The Trustees will meet on Tuesday February 4 at 7:00 pm at the Old First Church Barn. The meeting will also be accessible on Zoom. See the Board of Trustees tab for the agenda and instructions on how to access the meeting on Zoom.
The Planning Commission will meet Monday February 10 at 7:00 pm at the Old First Church Barn. The meeting will also be accessible on Zoom. See the Planning Commission tab for the agenda and instructions on how to access the meeting on Zoom.
See the Board of Trustees Tab for the Treasurer's Report for January.
For Information concerning Vermont's Open Meeting law see the Open Meeting Law Notice in the Other Documents tab. The law requires any person aggrieved by an alleged violation of the Open Meeting Law to provide the Village a written notice of such violation before bringing any civil action in court. See the Other Documents tab for a sample Open Meeting Law Complaint Form.
Old Bennington is situated on a height of land approximately one-half mile west of the center of the Town of Bennington, which lies in the Walloomsac River valley below. Looming over the Village to the southwest is Mount Anthony. A ridge called Monument Hill elevates the northern third of the Village, but along the eastern edge of the Village the land falls sharply away in a steep slope toward the river below. The remainder of the Village is fairly level. Many large, well-spaced houses are surrounded with lawns and gardens. We still enjoy the luxury of some open land with beautiful vistas.
Government in Bennington. The Village of Old Bennington represents the original center of Bennington. Samuel Robinson and a band of religious separatists from Connecticut and Massachusetts founded it in 1761. During the past 256 years the focus of industrial, commercial and residential development has shifted to the valley below and Old Bennington has become a small, incorporated Village within the Town of Bennington. Its character has become a historical single family residential community.